Below are the 5 stages that I will take you through to
be fully awake and consciously create a life they love to live.


The 5 stages are not linear; that is you might start with 1 than go to 3 and than come back to 2. It all depends on what you want to achieve and where you are stuck.


Some people complete all 5 stages within five sessions and some people need more. A major difference can be created in just one session, however I recommend having three sessions, if you are ready and willing – See the testimonial below:


Meeting and working with Fiona, for just one session over the phone I feel I have been given the tools to release all the guilt I have been carrying for the majority of my life.

Realising it wasn’t even mine in the first place, was a massive relief.

I am now living my life in truly knowing I can be myself at last!

Fiona is amazing! for anyone who is going through many negative emotions, Depression ,anger, and pain in their body, should have I hour session with her.

I have downloaded her book Break Free from all the sh!t I will be reading it everyday.

Thank you so much for coming into my life Fiona.


You may only want to resolve the ‘problem’ that you have now and this can probably be done in one sessions.


cropped 5 stages


1. Gain a deeper understanding of where you are. Help you get in touch with who you are, by clearing thoughts, emotions, energy and behavioural patterns that do not serve you. Gaining your permission to change.


2. Clearing a deeper level of who you think you are, so you can be more of who you are.


3. Connecting you more to your inner wisdom, for you to gain more access to you truth and inner resources.


4. Being who you are in your life – which is one spirit / oneness with everyone and everything in a physical body, experiencing life on a physical planet


5. Moving forward in your life being your true self in your Real Energy.


To find out further information go to my coaching page and  contact me.